Kamis/Thursday, April 22, 2010, 2.15Pm @Kineforum TIM
Minggu/Sunday, april 25, 2010, 2.15PM @Salihara
Lurve Me Now
Tan Pin Pin, USA/Singapore, 1999, Umatic/live action, 3’35”, no dialogue.
Tan Pin Pin, USA/Singapore, 1999, Umatic/live action, 3’35”, no dialogue.
This video answers the age old question: What do Barbie dolls fantasize about? Certainly not of sugar and spice. With this, an American icon will never look the same again.
Video ini akan menjawab pertanyaan: Apa yang ada dalam khayalan boneka-boneka Barbie? Ternyata bukan gula dan bumbu. Film ini akan membuat ikon Amerika tidak akan menjadi sama lagi.
Tan Pin Pin, Singapore, 2006, animation, 2’20”, no dialogue
Tan Pin Pin, Singapore, 2006, animation, 2’20”, no dialogue
“One idea, one shot, one surprise. So simple yet so rich. A gem.”
-Doubletake Documentary Film Festival.”
“Satu ide, satu pengambilan gambar, satu kejutan. Sederhana namun kaya makna. Seperti batu berharga.”
Umbilical Chord
Angel Velasco Shaw, USA/Philippines, 1998, experimental documentary, 27’, English
Angel Velasco Shaw, USA/Philippines, 1998, experimental documentary, 27’, English
A kaleidoscope of the filmmaker’s impressions of events in the Philippines in 1998- from the Centennial commemoration to the presidential elections and their relationship to one hundred years of Philippine struggle. In a series of montages, the filmmaker asks people from the markets to malls questions about what a hero means, who their heroes/heroines are, what they think of the centennial celebration, and what they think is the role of women today. Within this contemporary context, bridging history to today, the filmmaker explores the absence of women in history from a more personal perspective, searching for the stories of her female ancestors- interweaving movie posters, historical monuments, TV commercials, election posters, archival photographs depicting the Philippine Revolution, Philippine American War, and images of society’s heroes.
Kaleidoskop berbagai peristiwa yang terjadi di Filipina tahun 1998, dimulai dari perayaan seratus tahun pemilihan presiden dan seratus tahun perjuangan rakyat Filipina. Pembuat film mewawancara berbagai kalangan masyarakat di pasar, di mal, dengan mengajukan pertanyaan, seperti, apa yang dimaksud pahlawan, siapa pahlawan mereka, apa pendapat mereka soal perayaan seratus tahun, apa pendapat mereka soal peran perempuan saat ini.
Dalam konteks kontemporer dalam rangka menjembatani sejarah dan kekinian, pembuat film coba menelurusi ketiadaan pendapat perempuan dalam sejarah, mencari berbagai kisah tentang nenek moyang perempuan – dengan cara menautkan poster-poster bioskop, monumen-monumen bersejarah, iklan televisi, poster pemilihan umum, arsip fotografi yang diambil dari Revolusi Filipina, Perang Amerika-Filipina, dan berbagai kesan pahlawan-pahlawan dalam masyarakat.
Under One Sky
Kiri Dalena, Philippines, 2008, documentary, 30’, Tagalog with English subtitle
Kiri Dalena, Philippines, 2008, documentary, 30’, Tagalog with English subtitle
November 23, 2009. This is a story about death in a place they call the Promised Land, where a crescent moon rises with a Christian sun, over a road where 57 men and women were murdered in cold blood.
23 November 2009. Ini kisah tentang kematian di satu tempat yang disebut Tanah Perjanjian di mana bulan sabit muncul sebagai matahari Kristen, melewati jalanan di mana sebanyak 57 laki-laki dan perempuan dibunuh dengan kejam.